_profiterole_ wrote in self_published Feb 25, 2022 17:42
genre: fantasy, central pairing: m/m/m, part of a series, type: rec, author: aj sherwood, available: paperback, available: kindle, series: r'iyah family archives, title: a mage's guide to human familiars
_profiterole_ wrote in self_published Feb 21, 2022 17:53
central pairing: m/m, author: kay claire, part of a series, type: rec, title: all roads lead to this, genre: romance, series: leads to this, available: kindle, rep: trans
_profiterole_ wrote in self_published Feb 10, 2022 17:48
central pairing: m/m/f, part of a series, type: rec, genre: romance, title: deception, author: naomi aoki, series: nagoya crimes, available: kindle
_profiterole_ wrote in self_published Dec 23, 2021 17:53
author: aj demas, part of a series, series: sword dance, genre: historical, title: sword dance, type: rec, available: paperback, central pairing: m/nb, available: kindle
_profiterole_ wrote in self_published Nov 25, 2021 15:56
central pairing: m/m, part of a series, author: em lindsey, title: renegades, type: rec, available: audiobook, available: paperback, available: kindle unlimited, genre: romance, series: breaking the rules, available: kindle
_profiterole_ wrote in self_published Oct 20, 2021 14:00
genre: fantasy, central pairing: m/m, part of a series, rep: aromantic, type: rec, author: talli morgan, available: paperback, rep: non-binary, title: the oracle stone, available: kindle, series: the windermere tales
_profiterole_ wrote in self_published Aug 01, 2021 13:56
title: terf wars, part of a series, series: jinx ballou, type: rec, genre: suspense, available: paperback, available: kindle, rep: trans, author: dharma kelleher
_profiterole_ wrote in self_published May 23, 2021 13:45
author: kat silver, central pairing: m/m, part of a series, type: rec, available: paperback, title: dark flame, available: kindle, genre: urban fantasy, series: flame born
_profiterole_ wrote in self_published Oct 20, 2020 14:09
part of a series, author: sj whitby, genre: lgbt+, genre: superhero, type: rec, available: paperback, title: mutant pride, available: kindle, series: cute mutants
_profiterole_ wrote in self_published Sep 02, 2020 14:00
genre: fantasy, series: scholars and sorcery, author: eleanor beresford, part of a series, central pairing: f/f, type: rec, available: kindle